What I'm Wearing:
Outfit~ Popper Jack Kids - Crazy Love - Rotten
Event Landmark:To the Moon and Back
Inworld Store Landmark: Popper Jack Kids LM
Marketplace Store Link: Popper Jack Kids MP
Event Landmark:To the Moon and Back
Inworld Store Landmark: Popper Jack Kids LM
Marketplace Store Link: Popper Jack Kids MP
Featured Accessory~ Popper Jack Kids - Backpackin' Number 12
Event Landmark: To the Moon and Back
Inworld Store Landmark: Popper Jack Kids LM
Marketplace Store Link: Popper Jack Kids MP
Shape~ Salem Bebe Shape (With modifications)
Skin~ Jasmine Skin/Caramel Tone (bebe)
Landmark to store: Bebe Brand LM
Marketplace Store Link: Bebe Brand MP
Landmark to store: Bebe Brand LM
Marketplace Store Link: Bebe Brand MP