Friday, January 10, 2020

Cute babies feat NACH at the Cove

Tonight I decided to pull out some of my brand new dollies! I couldn't decide which ones to get out so I Put one in my car, another in her crib and I wanted to hold one too! These super cute dollies are currently at the Cove event! But hurry! The event closes on the 15th of January, 2020. The dolls are part of an amazing gacha set, the set has 9 commons, one rare and one ultra rare. Each and every doll is so stinking cute! I love them so much, the set is called the Baby Bella Collection and its only 75L per play! Landmarks to the event and the store can be found below.

Featured Props in post:

Baby Bella Collection- Baby Bella (The dolly seen in my arms)
Baby Bella Collection- Baby Bella Drive Along ULTRARARE (the car with the baby in the carseat, it can be worn and driven around! It is also resizeable to scale it down to fit your avi)
Baby Bella Collection- Baby Bella Sleepy Time (The crib rocks!)
Landmark to Event- The Cove Event
NACH Landmark- NACH LM
NACH Marketplace- NACH MP