Thursday, May 4, 2017

Its a bird, no a plane no its SUPER KITKAT! feat. .::Sweet Hearts::.

What is that flying through the air? Is it a bird? A plane? No it's Super KitKat! The sidekick to her amazing mommy and mama. She has come to save the day! Her powers stem from the love of her two mothers & her magical shoes that change colors!

The outfit comes from Sara of Sweet Hearts, as do the sneakers. And a cute outfit and shoes they are! The outfit is available in both TD kid & baby size. The cost of the outfit inworld is 125L and on marketplace it is 150L. The sneakers are also for both TD kid and baby size. They cost 110L inworld & 125L on marketplace. You too can have this outfit and magical pair of sneakers. Not only do the sneakers change colors, but they leave the power of love everywhere you walk by leaving a colorful trail of hearts. Never fear as the hearts disappear, the magic of love gets soaked up by anyone around, and of course by nature.

So go in today and get these shoes and wonderful outfit. All landmarks and links will be down bellow as always.

On to the pictures!

What I'm Wearing:

Shirt~ {SH} Supermom Outfit
Landmark to store: .::Sweet Hearts::.
Marketplace Store Link: Sara's Marketplace
                                     Jingie's Marketplace

Shoes~  {SH} Sweet Hearts Sneakers
Landmark to Store: .::Sweet Hearts::.
Marketplace Store Link: Sara's Marketplace
                                      Jingie's Marketplace

Eyes~ **DoRks** Nature Green Eyes (Calypso) ((April 2017 NinetyNine event))
Landmark to Store: **DoRks**
Marketplace Store Link: Click Here

Shape~ {.:DollFace:.} Jayden Shape (Modified slightly to fit my needs)
Marketplace Link: Click Here

Skin~ {Bad Seed} Alicia Skin Crème (October 2016 Bebe Bundle) ((you can't get this skin anymore but they have a ton of other great stuff!))
Landmark to store: Bad Seed
Marketplace Store Link: Click Here

Hair~ /Wasabi Pills/ Suzi Mesh Hair - Blonds
Landmark to get it: Wasabi Pills
Marketplace Store Link: Click Here

Head~ *TD* Baby Mesh Head #Bento - ALICE
Landmark to get it: Toddleedoo
Marketplace Store Link: Click Here

Body~ Toddleedoo baby- bento enabled
Landmark to get it: Toddleedoo
Marketplace Store Link: Click Here

Marketplace Store Link: Click Here

Nail Polish~ {Polished} NAILS - Valentine
Landmark to Mainstore: Polished
Marketplace Store Link: Click Here

Poses~  {.:: DollFace :.} Fairy Poses (2 in pics 1 &2 & pose 5 in pic 3&4)
Link to Marketplace: Click Here

Location~ Woodridge Academy, A great school in secondlife for children aged 2-5, there are heaps of classes to go to and they are also the host of the Weekenders program. A weekend camping adventure for kids that happens once a month! You can find all applications, for both student and teacher, at the front desk in the lobby.
Landmark to School: Woodridge Academy

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